Hi friends! I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest blogger today. Teri Harman is a great writer of witches for the new adult genre. Her latest book, Black Moon, releases next month. Get to know her by reading about the authors who have influenced her writing. More info about her below. . .
I am a story addict. I am addicted to reading. It is my love of reading that helped shape my love of writing. It’s symbiotic in some ways: I suck all the greatness from my favorite writers, nourishing my ability to put words on the page.
These are some of the authors that inspire me, that make me want to try harder in my writing. That make me better.
1. Roald Dahl
Such imagination! Roald Dahl taught me to twist and turn the normal into the bizarre. To stretch my creativity to mold ideas into stories that feel fresh and yet familiar in all the right ways. Favorite titles: ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,’ ‘Matilda,’ and ‘Tales of the Unexpected.’
2. Kate Morton
Beautiful, intoxicating words. Kate Morton’s writing is so amazing – her descriptions, her solid plots, her gothic sense of place. I devour her books and always want to run to the computer when I’m done. Favorite titles: ‘The Forgotten Garden,’ and ‘The Secret Keeper.’
3. Sarah Addison Allen
Sarah does steamy romance and magic realism so well. Her books are magical and her characters authentic. I love her stories and want mine to be as absorbing. Favorite titles: ‘The Sugar Queen,’ and ‘Garden Spells.’
4. Sue Monk Kidd
The queen of emotional narratives that you never forget. I want to write as honest and deep as Sue does. She captures characters and how they feel in every situation so perfectly. That is not easy. Favorite titles: ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ and ‘The Invention of Wings.’
Which authors inspire you?
For more about Teri Harman and her books, including BLACK MOON, the sequel to BLOOD MOON, which Kirkus Reviews calls ‘unusual and absorbing,’ check out the links below…
Instagram: @teriharman
Twitter: @TeriHarman