3 Tips For Getting Into The Right Mood For Writing


If you’re a writer but you don’t always feel like writing, there are things that you can do to manufacture being in the right mood or mindset until you really start to feel your creative juices flowing. These tips should work whether you’re trying to write something for work, write something for yourself, or write something as an exercise.

To help you learn just what you can do to overcome issues with feeling ready to write, here are three tips for getting into the right mood for writing. 

Work With A Timer

Sometimes, if you’re needing to write something long, the idea of having to start from scratch can be intimidating. Especially if you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself to write something good, it can be hard to take the first steps into your writing. And if you know you’re going to have to invest a lot of time into it, that journey can be a tough one to take. 

One way you can overcome all of these issues is to use a timer when you write. If you set a timer for 30 minutes to an hour and commit to getting as much writing done as you can during this time, you may find that it’s easier to get started and to focus your attention on your writing. Then, once the timer is up, you can reward yourself by doing something else until you’re needing to start writing again. 

Try Various Locations

When you can’t think of anything to write about, sometimes what you need is a change of scenery to help spark something in your mind

If you have the ability to move to different locations when writing, this could be something worth trying. You could move around to different rooms in your home or go outside of your home to areas that might inspire you. Another option is to change the way you work in spaces you’re familiar with, like cranking up the air conditioning or adjusting the lighting to bring about a new experience in an old space. Anything that changes up your routine and gets your mind out of its normal ways of thinking can be beneficial in getting you more in the mood to write. 

Storyboard Your Work

If you aren’t exactly sure what you want to write about specifically but you have a general idea in mind for how you want your writing to unfold, something else that you can try is to create a mood board or storyboard of sorts about what you’re trying to write. 

For some people, having something visual to look at while coming up with concepts or ideas for writing can really help. So if you can create a collage or an inspiration board that you can set up next to you while you’re trying to write, you might find the motivation you need to get started. 

If you know you need to write but you just can’t find the desire or motivation to do so, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above to help you get yourself into the right mood for the work of writing. 

3 Tips For Packing And Shipping Books

There are some things that are going to be simple and easy to ship or pack, like light items that don’t take up a lot of space. But then there are items that require a bit more planning and forethought in order to get packed and shipped correctly, like items that are a weird shape or that can be heavy, like books. So if you have a lot of books that you’re needing to pack up and ship, you’ll want to make sure that you go about this the right way so that you can avoid load shift and other shipping issues.

To help you learn how this can be done, here are three tips for packing and shipping books. 

Use Smaller Boxes

When you’re packing up most things, you might feel like the bigger the box you use, the easier it will be to pack and move those items. But with books, the opposite usually proves to be true.

Because books can be very heavy when you pack a lot of them together, you’re going to want to use smaller boxes than you may have originally planned. Ideally, you should choose boxes that are going to be easy for you or other other grip onto and hold because they’re likely going to be pretty heavy once you load them full of books. You’ll also want to make sure that the boxes are well made and sturdy enough to hold the weight of the books you’re packing and moving

Reinforce Your Packing Materials

Along with choosing boxes that are sturdy on their own, it’s also a good idea to reinforce the boxes with other packing materials before you start loading them full of books. This will give them extra structure and support for when you load heavy books from bottom to top of the boxes. 

To best reinforce the boxes you’re using to pack your books, you’ll want to add extra tape along the seams and the edges or corners. You can also add an extra piece of cardboard to the bottom or sides of the boxes so that there’s more structure as you both load and carry the boxes. 

Hardback Versus Paperback

When you’re ready to get the books loaded into the boxes that you’ve chosen for packing and shipping, you’ll want to pack them differently depending on whether the books are hardback or paperback. 

For hardback books, you can stack them just like you would on a bookshelf, with the spines against the side of the box. Their covers will give them added protection in this position. But for paperback books, you’ll want to lay them down on each other in flat stacks. This way, there is less of a chance of the books getting ripped or torn while they’re in transit. You’ll also want to make sure that you pack all of the books at the same angle. 

If you have books that you’re needing to pack up and ship to a new location, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how to best get these items ready to ship, packed into proper boxes, and kept safe while they’re in transit. 

Navigating the World of Haberdashery: A Beginner’s Guide

Embarking on the exciting journey of haberdashery may initially feel like stepping into a realm of intricate details and craftsmanship. But fear not, beginners! Haberdashery, the timeless art of sewing and needlework, is a skill that brings both joy and satisfaction. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, here are some essential tips to help you navigate the enchanting world of haberdashery.

Master the Basics

Every expert begins as a novice, and you’re no exception. Start by acquainting yourself with the fundamental tools of the trade. Invest in quality essentials like a sewing machine, hand needles, pins, threads, and an array of fabrics, which you can find at reallymaria.com. Understand the nuances of different needles and threads, learning their applications for specific fabrics and projects.

Familiarize Yourself with Your Sewing Machine

If you’re using a sewing machine, take the time to comprehend its features and functionalities. Practice stitching on scrap fabric to understand the machine’s speed and tension settings. Don’t hesitate to refer to the user manual or online tutorials. A well-operated machine will be your reliable companion in the fascinating world of haberdashery.

Build a Strong Foundation

Haberdashery, like any skill, requires a solid foundation. Start with straightforward projects such as pillowcases, tote bags, or basic garments. This will help you grasp essential sewing techniques like straight, zigzag, and seam allowances. As your confidence grows, gradually progress to more intricate projects.

Select Appropriate Fabrics

Understanding different fabric types is crucial in haberdashery. Begin with user-friendly fabrics like cotton or linen before delving into silk or knit materials. Each fabric has its unique properties, and selecting the right one for your project is vital for achieving the desired outcome.

Precision in Measurements

Precision is paramount in haberdashery. Always double-check measurements before cutting to avoid costly errors. Familiarize yourself with basic body measurements and garment sizing to ensure your creations fit well and are comfortable.

Experiment with Patterns

Once you’ve mastered the basics, explore the realm of patterns. Patterns act as blueprints for your creations and come in various difficulty levels. Begin with simpler patterns and progress to more intricate designs. Feel free to modify patterns to reflect your personal style and inject creative elements.

Invest in Quality Tools

Quality tools are a worthwhile investment. Sharp scissors, durable cutting mats, and ergonomic sewing accessories enhance your efficiency and the overall quality of your work. Properly cleaning and storing your tools ensures their longevity.

Join a Haberdashery Community

Learning from others is a fantastic way to improve your skills. Consider joining a haberdashery community or taking a class to exchange ideas, seek advice, and learn new techniques. The camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts can inspire and motivate your haberdashery journey.


Embarking on the haberdashery path is an enjoyable adventure filled with creativity, self-expression, and the satisfaction of crafting. As a beginner, focus on building a robust foundation, understanding your tools, and gradually exploring more complex projects. With patience and practice, you’ll find yourself stitching together beautiful creations that showcase your unique style and passion for the art of haberdashery. 

Millionaire by 35: Mara Dorne’s Extraordinary Journey of Success and Motherhood

In the world of business and personal development, there are few stories as inspiring as that of Mara Dorne. A self-made millionaire by the age of 35, Mara’s journey is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief that anyone can achieve their dreams, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In a recent interview with InfluencerPress.com, Mara Dorne opened up about her life, her career, and her mission to inspire others to reach their full potential. Here’s a closer look at Mara’s extraordinary journey and the secret to her success: embracing discomfort.

The Elevator Pitch

Mara Dorne’s story begins with a simple elevator pitch: “I’m a self-made millionaire, but that’s just one aspect of who I am.” This introduction only scratches the surface of her remarkable life. As a mother of three – a 16-year-old daughter, a 13-year-old son, and a 5-year-old son – Mara’s journey started from humble beginnings.

“I didn’t come from a ton of money,” she explains. “But I always knew, as a child, that I wanted to do something big in life.” Initially aspiring to be a lawyer, Mara’s plans changed due to economic circumstances. She found herself in the insurance industry, a choice she humorously describes as “insurance chose me; I didn’t choose insurance.”

Despite the unexpected career path, Mara’s mission remained clear: to positively impact every person she met. Over the last 15 years, she has led over 350 agents and helped create over two dozen millionaires within the industry.

The Pain She Solves

Mara’s journey is not just about financial success. It’s about breaking down barriers and inspiring others to believe in themselves. She addresses a common pain point – self-doubt and feeling inadequate – head-on. “If you look at me and think she could be successful, so can I,” she boldly states. Her message is clear: there is nothing extraordinary about her except her desire and purpose.

“When your purpose is greater than who you are, you can accomplish anything,” she emphasizes. Mara’s mission is to help people recognize their potential, overcome limitations, and believe in their dreams.

The Business Model

Mara serves as a regional sales leader of an insurance company, overseeing six different offices across the United States. Her journey began with humble origins – door-to-door sales of health insurance. She entered a male-dominated industry and faced significant challenges. However, her natural leadership abilities shone through, and she started building teams, mentoring, and developing agents.

Her unique approach to leadership centers on servitude and giving back. “Our mission as leaders is to give back to our people,” she explains. “Our people don’t work for us; we work for our people.” This philosophy creates a culture of support and growth within her organization.

The Transformation Process

Mara’s transformative approach to leadership focuses on several key principles:

  1. Impeccable Word: She believes in keeping promises and delivering on commitments, earning trust and respect from her team.
  2. Vested Interest in People: Mara invests significant time in understanding her agents and leaders, fostering genuine connections.
  3. Vulnerability and Authenticity: She encourages raw and honest conversations, making her relatable and approachable.
  4. Leading by Example: Mara believes in getting her hands dirty and leading from the front, demonstrating her commitment to the cause.
  5. Accountability: Holding oneself accountable and helping others do the same is a fundamental principle in her leadership style.
  6. Patient and Effective Communication: She teaches her team how to navigate different personality types, fostering a harmonious and productive environment.
  7. Leadership, Not Management: Mara emphasizes the importance of leading, not just managing, as the key to achieving outstanding results.

The Guarantee

Mara’s guarantee to those who choose to work with her is simple: she will provide all the tools for success, but the results depend on how individuals apply those tools. “I don’t have a secret wand,” she says. Success requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone.

Why Trust Mara Dorne

Mara Dorne’s credibility is undeniable. She has led over 1500 agents, consistently achieving top rankings in her industry. Her journey from humble beginnings to a self-made millionaire by 35 is proof of her expertise. Mara’s commitment to her mission and her ability to inspire change in others is what sets her apart.

Embracing Discomfort

The mantra that guides Mara’s life and business is “being comfortable with being uncomfortable.” It’s a reminder that success often lies outside of one’s comfort zone. Mara’s journey has been a testament to this philosophy – she faced adversity, took risks, and embraced discomfort to achieve her dreams.

In conclusion, Mara Dorne’s extraordinary journey of success and motherhood is a story of determination, resilience, and unwavering belief. Her secret to success, embracing discomfort, serves as an inspiration to all.

3 Tips For Interviewing Someone For A Story Or Report

If you have the task set before you to write some kind of story or report, be it for an article that you’re having published, a book that you’re the author of, or a report for the police department, there are a few things that you should know about interviewing subjects so that you can get all of the information you need from your sources.

To help you learn just how this can be done, here are three tips for interviewing someone for a story or report. 

Get The Background Information

Before you go into any interview situation, you’re going to want to have done some research and gotten as much background information as you can.

While there can be a benefit to getting background information straight from your source, especially if it’s for something like a police report or you’re trying to get the tone and personality of the person you’re interviewing, in many cases, this could prove to just be a waste of time. If it’s information that you can quickly and easily find through your own research, it’s often best to do this beforehand so that you’re more prepared for your interview. 

By doing research before you interview so that you already have a firm understanding of the background information for your source, you can better come up with questions to ask and help to set the mood of the interview so that your subject will feel safe and comfortable opening up to you. You can still ask them to tell you about themselves as you start the interview, but already knowing a bit of this information may prove to be helpful to you. 

Keep Your Questions Open-Ended

As you’re preparing questions that you’ll want to ask during the interview process, you should try to find ways to ask questions in an open-ended way. 

If your questions only require a yes or no answer, or even just a short answer that could be given in a few words, you might find it hard to actually get the information you’re wanting from your interview. But if you can pose your questions so that they encourage your source to give you explanations and go into more detail with their responses, you’ll get a more complete answer and a better quote for your story or report, too. 

Use The Right Tools

In many cases, an interview can be a high-stress situation on both sides of the conversation. While you want to make sure you’re getting the information you need, your source might be worried about revealing too much information or saying the wrong thing. And something that can up the stress on both sides is if you’re quickly scribbling away notes throughout the entire conversation.

To avoid this, consider setting up some tools to use during the interview process. You can use a video recorder or an audio recorder so that you have an exact reference for what happened and what was said without worrying about getting it right by hand. 

If you’ll soon be conducting an interview, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get the most out of your time speaking with your subject.