Today, fellow author Krista Wayment stopped by for a visit! Her novel, Trusted, comes out later this month. Tomorrow, I’ll be posting her big cover reveal. But today, we’re going to get to know a little more about Krista and her writing. Before we move on to the interview, feel free to click on the Rafflecopter link below participate in her big giveaway!
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1: How long did it take you to write your book?
The first draft took about 3 months. From start to finish to get it polished it took a year. Much better than my first attempt at a novel, which took me 10 years.
2: Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
This is such a hard question to answer because I love my characters so much. I’m going to take the easy way out and say Plyth. He is a baby dragon and is just so adorable you can’t help but love him.
3: Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?
Yes. Especially together. Peanuts and chocolate are soul mates 🙂
4: What authors do you look up to and why?
I look up to a lot of authors. Mainly people like Patricia C. Wrede, Robin McKinely, and Patricia A McKillip because I read their books when I was younger and felt inspired.
5: Which author do you think you write like the most?
I’ve been told several times that my writing reminds people of Robin McKinely. But I like to think that I take a little bit from all the authors that inspire me, mix it together and add my own little dash of awesome.
6: What’s your favorite food?
Chocolate. Cheese. And Pizza. Can’t forget pizza.
7: What’s your favorite movie?
The Princess Bride. Best sword fight scene. Ever.
8: If your book was turned into a movie, who would you cast for the main characters?
That’s hard. Since my main characters are kids it would depend on which actors are the right age. But, if I had a time machine and could pick anyone: Renick->Asa Butterfield, Thane->Jonathan Brandis, and Lainey->(a very young)Emilie de Ravin
9: Describe your book in one sentence.
Renick learns that the dragons from legend are alive and well, and it changes everything he thought he knew about the world.
10: What kind of interaction do you hope to see from your fans?
I’m open to anything really. But what I really hope to see is others inspired to read and write by reading my books.
11: Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. All the way.
About the Author
Krista Wayment has been making up stories since she learned to talk. Writing naturally grew out of that. Krista is an avid Fantasy and Science Fiction fan, and a total nerd. She is also a software engineer and loves playing video games. Although, curling up with a good book is still one of her favorite past times.
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