Today, we get a treat from author Johnny Worthen! He’s going to tell us about his personal connections to his latest release, The Finger Trap. Read on for entertaining details from a talented writer! ~A
I have a problem according many modern marketers, I write in multiple genres. My best selling series is YA paranormal something. My debut was a horror and within the last year I’ve had two mysteries be published. I wear tie-dye as a metaphor for being multiple genre author, a symbol to combine the multiple tiles and genres into a kaleidoscope I wear on my body because ultimately, I am the connecting tissue all the book.
Though I say that I have yet to write a book that couldn’t be taught successfully in an English Class thus suggesting that my books are all literary and thus connected, the truth is that they’re all about me. Whether it’s a group of people struggling with love and it’s horrors as in BEATRYSEL or my fear of change and acceptance ELEANOR or testing the limits of my own beliefs as in THE BRAND DEMAND, each is ultimately an investigation into my own psyche. They’re all about me. None more so than THE FINGER TRAP.
Tony Flaner is a malingering part-time detective, full time sarcastic who’s never had it hard and never really finished a thing in his life. Many readers have commented on the resemblance between my fictional detective and me, hopefully for the good parts, but I will tell you that I am not Tony. Tony is not me. Tony is the man I want to be. I wrote him to explore what it felt like to be comfortable in your own skin, to have the confidence and perspective to realize how truly ludicrous the world is. He’s full of flaws and is better for them. He struggles with his own personal limitations as I do daily and finally finishes something. THE FINGER TRAP was that very experience for me. THE FINGER TRAP was the book that convinced me that I wanted to be a writer.
The true theme of the book can only be understood and appreciated when the reader holds it in their hands, feeling its weight, ruffling its pages and reading the tale beginning, middle and end. It is the embodiment of completion for Tony and for me, his creator. The book’s existence completes the parallel tale of author and protagonist.
THE FINGER TRAP is by far my most autobiographical and personal book. Far and away the most fun and funniest of my titles in print. It is a call to Carpe Diem, an ode toe the Flaneur and the success of a completion. It is a modern noir, mid-life crisis, coming of age, social satire, comedy – with quiche.
Readers don’t need to understand or care about the personal journey it represents for me. It has been recognized and praised on its own merits even by people who don’t know me. I’m eternally grateful to them and and all of the readers. It’s public validation for a personal quest.
Gotta’ love Tony Flaner.
Some reviews:
“I love a smart-aleck hero, and Johnny Worthen has a real winner in Tony Flaner. The Finger Trap is a rollicking good time.” —Steve Brewer, author, the Bubba Mabry mysteries
“I love a smart-aleck hero, and Johnny Worthen has a real winner in Tony Flaner. The Finger Trap is a rollicking good time.” —Steve Brewer, author, the Bubba Mabry mysteries
“Johnny Worthen trapped more than just my finger in this fun mystery. His writing is captivating, as are his characters. Highly recommended!” —Becky Clark
“A voice driven, modern noir, social satire, coming of age mid-life crisis comedy detective story. With quiche. So good, I’d write it again. :-)” —Johnny Worthen
“Don’t read this book lying down. You could choke to death laughing. This book was more than just funny. It’s a great the bad guy gets it in the end story. I hope there will be more Tony Flaner Mysteries.”
If you’d like to see more about Johnny Worthen, his other books, or The Finger Trap, click on any of the links below: