Press Release

So here’s the first press release for my debut novel. Check it out…

January 11, 2012
For Immediate Release
Contact: Kirk Cunningham, Head Publicist: (801) 380-4503 |
Jolly Fish Press to Wage War Between Vampires and Immortals
Spring 2013
PROVO, UT—Jolly Fish Press (JFP) has successfully acquired the North American
distribution and publication rights to Adrienne Monson’s debut novel, Dissension.
Dissension, the first of three books in The Blood Inheritance trilogy, is an explosive
novel about the unending war between two seemingly unstoppable races—Vampires
and Immortals—in their search for the prophecy child who was destined to bring them to
their fall. The first to find the child may have the chance to survive. Steering away from
conventional vampire literature, Monson redefines the age-old myth and inception of
vampires in a fresh and original concept. Dissension is slated for a Spring 2013 release.
Monson, a winner of the 2009 Oquirrh’s Writer’s Contest and the Utah RWA’s Great
Beginnings, has already immersed herself in different kinds of fiction since a young age,
but she has always found herself to have a voracious appetite for vampire novels.
JFP is a newly established independent publishing house based in Provo, Utah. Its
editorial board consists of a team of associate editors who’ve worked on editorial
projects for Houghton Mifflin, Allyn & Bacon, Pearson’s Group, and Harper Collins to
name a few.
For more information about JFP, visit our website at