The mantlepiece of your fireplace is an ideal place for displaying a wide range of different options. You may well be looking for just a few ideas of what you can put on top of it. Well, there are plenty of ideas here that may be worth putting into motion. Let’s check out just a few of the decorating ideas that are more than worth it.
Perhaps the classic choice of what you could put above a fireplace involves a few picture frames that capture and display a few of your most treasured memories. These are a great option as you can then always have the option of switching these up as and when you would like to. Another option could be to get a digital photo frame as this is then going to do the job of switching photos for you rather than just sticking on one.
Another great choice is to display some candlesticks. This also has the great appeal of having a couple of clear delineators that you put at either side. They also have the practical option of having another source of light that is ideal on a cold winter night and can truly create the excellent and cozy atmosphere that you would typically associate with the festive time of the year.
There are plenty of statues that could work on a mantlepiece. Of course, they are going to need to fit in with the overall design of the fireplace to begin with. It could well be worth checking out as a starting point if you are looking for a new fireplace. The statues obviously need to be the right size in order to fit on top of a mantlepiece or sit on the fire surround and create the type of atmosphere that you are looking for.
A vase can be a great choice of what you put on top of a fireplace – whether or not it is empty. If you decide to fill it up, you always have the option of adding in some seasonal flowers. Another option that is more low maintenance would involve getting some dried flowers that can stay there year after year.
A clock is an excellent mantlepiece decorating idea as it leaves you with something that looks great while also serving a useful, practical function at the same time. The great thing about clocks is the variety – you can easily choose a timepiece that fits in with your style, right down to the decade and species of wood or type of metal used.
Decorative boxes or artwork
If you are looking to go for something that has a simple appeal of decoration, there are plenty of small boxes that you could get that appeal. At the same time, another simple choice is to display some artwork instead.
Choosing one or a combination of all of these different decorating ideas is a great way of ensuring that your mantlepiece has an excellent lasting appeal that is going to stand the test of time. Of course, you always have the option of varying your choices and going for something different from time to time too.